Appraisals & Collection Care

Buyers | Sellers | Collectors

The cornerstone of every art collection, our expert appraisals and meticulous collection care ensure the preservation and appreciation of your treasured assets for generations to come.

Care & Cataloguing

With each new collection, whether it includes 2 or 200 works, we examine its physical state. We advise on conservation & restoration, framing & installation so that the collection shines. To protect it, we make recommendations on storage, insurance and transport. We offer professional art cataloguing with each item listed in accordance with the Getty Object ID system. In addition, the provenance of each art work is protected and enhanced through exhibition lending.


Professional Fair Market Value appraisals are needed for donation, estate, and insurance purposes. In compliance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, we also provide appraisals for the Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board (CPERB).



ArtRow manages third-party professional fine art appraisal assignments for the purposes of insurance, donation and resale. ArtRow experts are trained in Getty Object Identification and provide guidance on industry standard cataloguing and conservation requirements.